Matthew Schuelka, Ph.D.
Researcher, Founder and CEO of Fora Education
Dr. Matthew J. Schuelka is a researcher, consultant, evaluator, teacher, and writer. He has experience at all levels of education from kindergarteners to graduate students, and has lived and worked in numerous countries around the world. Dr. Schuelka is the Founder and CEO of Fora Education, a non-profit company that specializes in education research, consultancy, technical partnership, products, and services. He has worked in higher education since 2010, having taught at Stanford University, the University of Minnesota, Royal Thimphu College, the University of Nottingham (Malaysia campus), and the University of Birmingham (UK and Dubai campuses).
Currently, Dr. Schuelka is a researcher at the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota. He is the author or editor of numerous books, chapters, and articles. Dr. Schuelka has been primary investigator for large-scale international research projects funded by the Toyota Foundation, the European Union, UKAid, and the British Academy; as well as a consultant with numerous agencies including USAID, UNICEF, UNESCO, DfID, and JICA.
Dr. Schuelka has a wide research focus on inclusive education design, policy, systems, and structures; inclusion as a whole-school approach (i.e. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Universal Design for Learning, and other frameworks); educational anthropology; and disability studies.