
A teacher in a classroom in Armenia assists a student. The students are about 9 years old and are wearing school uniforms.

The Global Resource Center for Inclusive Education (GRC), housed at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration, works toward systemic improvement of educational programs, practices, and policies that affect children youth and adults with disabilities and their families around the world. Our mission is to provide sustainable and culturally-responsive approaches and strategies and contribute to the knowledge base of inclusive and special education worldwide. Our areas of expertise include Universal Design for Learning, Response to Intervention, teacher collaboration, data-based decision making, Curriculum-Based Measurement, self-determination, Inclusive Service Learning, transition from school to community living and employment, and more. We have collaborated with researchers, policy makers, educators, families and people with disabilities in the U.S.; Western, Central and Eastern Europe; East and South Asia, and Central America.

 In the News

The Dignity of Work forum logo.

Feature Story | February 2025

Forum: Disability at Work

The Dignity of Work: An International Forum will bring together employers, scholars, and disability employment service providers on March 19 for a global, online event open to anyone. ICI will host the forum. Presenters from the U.S. and six other countries will share their insights.

A U.S. delegation to Cuba, led by ICI’s Renáta Tichá (pictured third from left, wearing red-framed glasses).

Feature Story | November 2024

Winds of Change

ICI’s Renáta Tichá led a U.S. delegation to Cuba in November – in the midst of Hurricane Rafael – on a mission to understand more about the country’s special education system. The delegation met with officials from the Ministry of Education, the University of Havana, and non-governmental organizations, among other activities.